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Bald, Lisa (2017) "Pubblica Sicurezza" in the European context - Italy and the internationalisation of counterterrorism policy (1972-1982). Advisor: Conze, Prof. Eckart. Coadvisor: Schulz-Forberg, Prof. Hagen . pp. 327. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Belchev, Pavel (2013) Is the Court of Justice of the European Union a mere instrument in the hands of member states? Advisor: Vauchez, Prof. Antoine. Coadvisor: Masala, Dr. Antonio . pp. 176. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Biresselioglu, Mehmet Efe (2009) European energy security : Turkey's role as a major conduit for the Greater Caspian hydrocarbon reserves. Advisor: Overland, Dr. Indra. pp. 353. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Botenga, Marc (2009) The Iranian leviathan : state formation, progress and democracy in Iran. Advisor: Corradi, Prof. Juan. pp. 536. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Bradanini, Davide (2012) Common sense and 'national emergency': neoliberal hegemony in 1990s Italy. Advisor: Strazzari, Prof. Francesco. pp. 631. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Busetti, Simone (2009) Soluzioni istituzionali per problemi di policy: la riorganizzazione dei trasporti a Londra e Barcellona. Advisor: Dente, Prof. Bruno. pp. 226. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Bushi, Enika (2017) The EU – No heaven: A Savior from Hell? Case study of Albania on its path to Europeanization. Advisor: Sinagra, Prof. Augusto. Coadvisor: Bruni, Dr. Domenico . pp. 308. [IMT PhD Thesis]


Calossi, Enrico (2009) Organizzazione e funzioni dei partiti politici a livello europeo : il caso del Partito della sinistra europea. Advisor: Bardi, Prof. Luciano. pp. 252. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Calugi, Fabio (2010) Il tricolore e la bandiera rossa: patria e interesse nazionale nel discorso pubblico del PCI togliattiano (1944-1947). Advisor: Nello, Prof. Paolo. pp. 482. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Caputo, Anna (2011) L'implementazione delle politiche pubbliche attraverso un nuovo modello di multi-level governance in Italia: il caso del Dipartimento delle politiche di sviluppo e coesione. Advisor: Dente, Prof. Bruno. pp. 420. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Castellani, Lorenzo (2016) Managerial bureaucracy continuity and change in the history of the British civil service: 1979-2007. Advisor: Masala, Dr Antonio. Coadvisor: Anselmi, Prof. Luca . pp. 283. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Catalano, Claudio (2009) The Role of Italy in the development of a European security and defence policy. Advisor: Hill, Prof. Christopher. pp. 407. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Ceccorulli, Michela (2008) Cooperation in European defence procurement : OCCAR and the security regime. Advisor: Serra, Prof. Maurizio. pp. 336. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Cicchi, Lorenzo (2013) The logic of voting behaviour in the European Parliament : new insights on party group membership and national affiliation as determinants of vote. Advisor: Bardi, Prof. Luciano. Coadvisor: Llewellyn, Dr. Morgan . pp. 172. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Cirulli, Carlo Giuseppe (2012) La sinistra italiana e il processo d’integrazione europea: la transizione del Pci attraverso il suo discorso sull’Europa. Advisor: Schmidt, Prof. Vivien A.. pp. 425. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Conte, Daniela (2009) Media diplomacy: gli effetti della rivoluzione satellitare araba sul confronto tra l'occidente e la mezza luna. Advisor: Sorice, Prof. Michele. pp. 255. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Conti, Erika (2008) Political rights and representation for women in Egypt. Advisor: Colombo, Dr. Valentina. pp. 169. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Costalli, Stefano (2008) Politics behind globalization: the influence of political and security variables on economic interdependence among States. Advisor: Gallo, Prof. Giampiero M.. Coadvisor: Parsi, Prof. Vittorio E. . pp. 265. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Coticchia, Fabrizio (2009) Il lungo sentiero sul lago di ghiaccio: l'evoluzione della politica di difesa italiana dalla fine della Guerra Fredda all'"Operazione Leonte". Advisor: Serra, Prof. Maurizio. pp. 610. [IMT PhD Thesis]


De Luca, Michele (2009) Diritti delle minoranze e adesione all'Unione europea: i casi dell'Albania e della Bosnia-Erzegovina. Advisor: Cerrina Feroni, Prof. Ginevra. pp. 325. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Del Sordi, Adele (2012) The Party of Power of Kazakhstan: the origins, resources and regime-supporting functions of Nur Otan. Advisor: Mezzetti, Prof. Luca. pp. 241. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Dmitrishin, Alexander (2013) Socio-political aspects of higher education and knowledge production : the case of university rankings. Advisor: Capano, Prof. Giliberto. Coadvisor: Masala, Dr. Antonio . pp. 233. [IMT PhD Thesis]


Ferrari, Lorenzo (2014) Speaking with a single voice: the assertion of the EC as a distinctive international actor, 1969-79. Advisor: Gilbert, Prof. Mark. Coadvisor: Orsina, Prof. Giovanni . pp. 277. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Fondi, Francesca (2014) Higher education in Albania: access and financing. Advisor: Xhuvani, Prof. Aleksander. Coadvisor: Masala, Dr. Antonio . pp. 237. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Franzi, Donata (2012) Energy rules harmonization in the Euro-Mediterranean area between external pressures for rules change and domestic institutional restraints: the case of independent regulatory agencies. Advisor: Cambini, Prof. Carlo. pp. 212. [IMT PhD Thesis]


Galanti, Valeria (2013) Conditions for plausibility of women’s conventions : internalising the paradigm shift in the inter-American system of human rights. Analysing a comparable experience for the Istanbul Convention. Advisor: Mezzetti, Prof. Luca. Coadvisor: Masala, Dr. Antonio . pp. 353. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Giommoni, Valentina (2013) Religion and quality of democracy in Israel. Advisor: Morlino, Prof. Leonardo. Coadvisor: Masala, Dr. Antonio . pp. 359. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Giona, Federico (2016) Think tanks and international affairs during the interwar period: Ispi (Institute for Studies in International Politics) between foreign policy and public opinion (1919-1943). Advisor: Orsina, Prof. Giovanni. Coadvisor: Schulz-Forberg, Prof Hagen . pp. 165. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Gkresta, Maria (2013) State, space and security : the treatment of deviant groups in times of crisis. Advisor: Belina, Prof, Bernd. Coadvisor: Gattei, Dr. Stefano . pp. 233. [IMT PhD Thesis]


Hedayat, Ali (2012) The Claim-making of the Islamist Hizb-ut-Tahrir and the Radical Right-wing party NPD in the Federal Republic of Germany. Advisor: Andreatta, Prof. Massimiliano. pp. 213. [IMT PhD Thesis]


Kisunaite, Aida (2012) Participation of social CSOs in the OMC inclusion: how does it affect European governance and CSOs themselves? Advisor: Dente, Prof. Bruno. pp. 323. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Kokstaite, Monika (2017) Essays on economic security and the European Union: theory, origins, development and performance. Advisor: Morlino, Prof. Leonardo. Coadvisor: Bruni, Dr. Domenico . pp. 241. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Kolukirik , Mine (2014) Learning to change: the organizational learning dimension of UN reform. Advisor: Lanzara, Prof. Giovan Francesco. Coadvisor: Cavallaro, Dr. Maria Elena . pp. 190. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Kuznetsov, Alexander (2011) Subnational governments in international affairs: a study on theory and practice of paradiplomacy. Advisor: Marchetti, Prof. Raffaele. pp. 332. [IMT PhD Thesis]


Lenzi, Veronica (2013) States’ membership in energy Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGOs): trade, alliances and regulation. Advisor: Andreatta, Prof. Filippo. pp. 213. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Lezina, Jane (2010) Transformations of political culture in post-totalitarian societies: post-World War II West Germany and post-Soviet Russia in comparative perspective. Advisor: Vorozheikina, Prof. Tatiana. pp. 328. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Ljubojevic, Ana (2013) What’s the story? Legal and media narratives of war crime trials and shaping of national identity in Croatia and Serbia. Advisor: Mezzetti, Prof. Luca. Coadvisor: Cavallaro, Dr. Maria Elena . pp. 220. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Lomellini, Valentine (2009) L'appuntamento mancato: le relazioni tra la Sinistra occidentale e l'opposizione all'interno del blocco sovietico: 1968-1981. Advisor: Varsori, Prof. Antonio. pp. 820. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Losito, Simona (2013) The human rights diplomacy : the Carter presidency and the relationship with Brazil (1977-1981). Advisor: Del Pero, Prof. Mario. Coadvisor: Cavallaro, Dr. Maria Elena . pp. 257. [IMT PhD Thesis]


Mioni, Michele (2018) Towards a New “Social Pact”: World War II and Social Policy in Great Britain, Italy and Vichy France = Vers un nouveau « pacte social » : la Deuxième Guerre mondiale et les politiques sociales en Grande-Bretagne, Italie et dans l’État français. Advisor: Petri, Prof. Rolf. Coadvisor: Rousso, Prof. Henry . pp. 654. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Miracola, Sergio (2018) Chinese strategic culture : origin, organization, operationalization and evolution of the people's war doctrine. Advisor: Bruni, Prof. Domenico Maria. Coadvisor: Fiori, Prof. Antonio . pp. 601. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Mirkina, Irina (2013) The interplay between bureaucracy and globalization. Advisor: Bergh, Prof. Andreas. Coadvisor: Masala, Dr. Antonio . pp. 135. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Morelli, Lorenzo (2017) Elémire Zolla. In defense of Tradition against the civitas diaboli. Advisor: Orsina, Prof. Giovanni. pp. 514. [IMT PhD Thesis]


Puggioni, Antonio (2016) Access to justice and sustainable development: the National Green Tribunal of India. Advisor: Malaguti, Prof. Maria Chiara. Coadvisor: Masala, Prof. Antonio . pp. 414. [IMT PhD Thesis]


Rahmetov, Anvarjon (2013) Conceptualizing and explaining post-soviet authoritarian breakdowns : cases of "Color revolutions". Advisor: Morlino, Prof. Leonardo. Coadvisor: Bonfreschi, Dr. Lucia . pp. 247. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Redini, Alexia (2008) Il contributo di Michael Oakeshott nel dibattito teorico sui modelli di convivenza in un'Europa multiculturale. Advisor: Giorgini, Prof. Giovanni. pp. 253. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Romaniello, Maria (2014) Upper chambers in EU parliamentary democracies. Advisor: Lupo, Prof. Nicola. Coadvisor: Masala, Dr. Antonio . pp. 388. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Romanyshyn, Iulian (2017) The European Union: An Effective Actor in Multilateral Arms Negotiations? Advisor: Marchetti, Prof. Raffaele. Coadvisor: Bruni, Dr. Domenico . pp. 192. [IMT PhD Thesis]


Sacchetti, Fabiana (2012) Political and socio-economic liberalizations in Morocco: genuine democratization or smart authoritarianism? Advisor: Morlino, Prof. Leonardo. pp. 196. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Sacchi, Alessio (2016) Europe in hard times: driving institutional change during the Eurozone crisis. Advisor: Héritier, Prof. Adrianne. Coadvisor: Bonfreschi, Dr. Lucia . pp. 247. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Samuk, Sahizer (2015) Temporary migration and temporary integration: Canada and the UK in a comparative perspective. Advisor: Cavallaro, Dott. Maria Elena. Coadvisor: Geddes, Prof. Andrew . pp. 219. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Scotton, Paolo (2016) The making of philosophy : Ortega y Gasset and the Spanish academia. Advisor: Masala, Dr Antonio. pp. 468. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Serri, Saverio (2009) Fanfani e il 1958 : una nuova politica estera per l'Italia. Advisor: Orsina, Prof. Giovanni. pp. 133. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Shokri, Nabil (2015) Arab Spring: an attempt of conceptualization and some empirical tests. Advisor: Morlino, Prof. Leonardo. pp. 233. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Simral, Vit (2014) The cost of partitocracy: party funding in East Central Europe. Advisor: Morlino, Prof. Leonardo. Coadvisor: Gattei, Dr. Stefano . pp. 153. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Steenkamp Fonseca, Raymond (2012) South Africa's foreign economic policy: strategies of an emerging power. Advisor: Laïdi, Prof. Zaki . pp. 347. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Stojanova, Ana (2013) Elite- or mass-driven democratic consolidation? Western Balkans in comparative perspective. Advisor: Morlino, Prof. Leonardo. Coadvisor: Cavallaro, Dr. Maria Elena . pp. 234. [IMT PhD Thesis]


Tondini, Matteo (2008) Ubi maior, ibi ius: assessing justice system reform in Afghanistan. Advisor: Dente, Prof. Bruno. pp. 278. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Turcati, Marina (2008) Italo-Chinese economic cooperation in the XXI century: different actors and the search for a strategy. Advisor: Baehr, Prof. Peter. pp. 428. [IMT PhD Thesis]


Varotto, Paola (2015) Main German question: the evolution of the FRG's multilateral policy of detente in a decade of major crises and changes, 1975-1985. Advisor: Varsori, Prof. Antpnio. Coadvisor: Bonfreschi, Dott. Lucia . pp. 278. [IMT PhD Thesis]

Virga, Andrea (2018) Fascism and nationalism in Cuba : a case study on the global projection on an European ideology. Advisor: Bruni, Prof. Domenico Maria. Coadvisor: Figueredo Cabrera, Prof. Katia . pp. 216. [IMT PhD Thesis]


Zaccaria, Benedetto (2014) For the sake of Yugoslavia. The EEC’s Yugoslav policy in Cold War Europe, 1968-1980. Advisor: Varsori, Prof. Antonio. Coadvisor: Cavallaro, Dott. Maria Elena . pp. 251. [IMT PhD Thesis]

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