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El patrimonio en la ciudad contemporánea entre identidad y transformación. El caso del Turó de la Font de la Guatlla a Barcelona.

Marrani, Lisa (2010) El patrimonio en la ciudad contemporánea entre identidad y transformación. El caso del Turó de la Font de la Guatlla a Barcelona. Advisor: Giusti, Prof. Maria Adriana. Coadvisor: Oyon, Prof. José Luis . pp. 371. [IMT PhD Thesis]

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Heritage in the Contemporary City: Between Identity and Transformation. The case of “el Turó de la Font de la Guatlla” Barcelona. The objective of the research is to open a reflection on the requalification strategies for a setting in continual mutation, such as the contemporary urban reality. Expanding a concept of heritage formulated on the relationship between identity and urban space. The aim is to propose a possible framework for the management of the degradation process of certain ‘weak’ areas in the urban fabric. With the objective to protect and valorise these elements of authenticity which are considered obsolete by urban planning policies. This research focuses on a phenomenon, common to many contemporary metropolises: the progressive “cancelling” of entire pieces of the urban fabric that constitute genuine fragments of residual identity within the city. They are the last remains of the historic periphery, intact, but engulfed by a city in perpetual movement driven by rapid architectural and urban development. The case study analyses the secondary peripheries of Barcelona, that testify to crucial moment in the ‘Workers’ urbanization of the 20’s and 30’s, born in reply to the housing requirements provoked by the arrival in mass of labour from all over the country. These neighbourhoods with their specific social identity, at risk of disappearing, still resist against an urban situation in which the community is no longer able to identify itself. These areas usually lacking aesthetic quality or particular antique character or other characteristics commonly used to determine the level of protection for buildings or historic areas. The destruction of these urban elements necessitate a reflection on the role ‘safeguarding’ must play in these cases, situations where the relationship between physical space and the space of memory plays a determining factor. The research through the analysis of one of these neighbourhoods, intends to investigate the concept of historic heritage that considers determining relationship of the inhabitant with the urban habitat. The neighbourhood chosen is the “Turó de Font de la Guatlla” found at the foot of Montjuic, built by viviendas populares in the 1920’s and inhabited from its origins by Spanish immigrants. The area is currently in the process of expropriation and demolition, to be transformed into a ‘green zone’ at the service of the monumental park of Montjuic in order to meet the standards of the current Urban Plan The precarious condition in which this neighbourhood exists creates the possibility and occasion to put into act an urban experience on the theme of memory. An experience that becomes a platform to experiment research instruments intended to individualise the indentifying characteristics of the location. Through this case study, the investigation intends to explore and verify the possibility to analyse and interpret a territory within the concept of ‘appropriated space’ that regulates and generates the sense of belonging of a person to ones place of settlement. Observation of the phenomenon of appropriation of space in this neighbourhood was the generator of a participative experience that permitted, together with the phase of documentation of historic memory of the location, to study the connection between urban operations and daily experience. The process of on site research, concluded with a day of action in collaboration with the inhabitants, in a sort of “Active conservation”. The results, other than bringing to light the specific problems of the territory in question, permitted the elaboration of a matrix of elements that identify the location. A matrix that correlates the physical permanence on the territory with those derived from historic memory respect to the concept of identity and urban space. The composition of these elements in the matrix and their interrelation, permit the individualisation of the key factors for interpreting this territory, where the physical heritage is enriched by a heritage generated from a place – inhabitant binomial. This analysis supplies a basis for the identification of strategies suitable for the conservation of the area and the future elaboration of the proposal that respects the historic memory of a site and permits the permanence of its inhabitants, reflecting on the possibility of a continuity and permanence as opposed to the cancellation in act.

Item Type: IMT PhD Thesis
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NX Arts in general
PhD Course: Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage
Date Deposited: 03 Feb 2025 07:48
URI: http://e-theses.imtlucca.it/id/eprint/443

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